For 3 weeks we were inseparable…coughing, wheezing, we cuddled ourselves in the saphire comforter and sipped stale ginger ale. The upheaval of tissues scrunched and thrown about the room created our own private winter wonderland. A single candle flickered a faint glow, while, the distant echo of water ricocheted off the weather beaten roof. I wondered if some Jane Eyreian scene was in the making.
As we would merge for a lover's kiss, my hummingbird heartbeat was interrupted with a bellowing disturbance. Instead of soft lips, viral winds barricaded such affection.
Tomorrow our fever, cold sweats, hammering headache, stomach churning, chest restricting symptoms would return as fast as our running noses ran. To dull the pain we set up our medicinal shot glasses with Nyquil and Coca-Cola chasers.
Our syncopated groans, sniffles, and grunts from both sides of the bed soothed our suffering with every uncontroled empathetic reply. Why is it our bodies can so thoroughly eject our viral enemies, but we cannot so easily cough up our own feelings? In sickness, much more than in health, do we show our commitment to each other.
My darling dearest,
ReplyDeleteI'm ashamed this day to feebly attempt to call you one of my dearest friends, because unbeknownst to me, the apparent minority in your flock of dedicated "followers", I was the least informed as to your skill with the written word so delicately and yet decadently displayed in your poetic narrative of your life.
I miss you. And I am SO happy to have this venue to witness the beauty of your life. Loves and Cheers and especially, get better soon...
Your British Dancing Buddy Forever
I love coca-cola chasers!